Section / Rule Number   Content   
Rule 1. Short title and commencement.
Rule 2. Application of Central Goods and Services Tax Rules
Rule 3. The proportion of value attributable to different States or Union territories, in the case of supply of advertisement services to the Central Government, a State Government, a statutory body or a local authority, under sub section (14) of ...
Rule 4. The supply of services attributable to different States or Union territories, under sub section (3) of section 12 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (hereinafter in these rules referred to as the said Act), in the case of
Rule 5. The supply of services attributable to different States or Union territories, under sub- section (7) of section 12 of the said Act, in the case of
Rule 6. The supply of services attributable to different States or Union territories, undersub section (11) of section 12 of the said Act, in the case of supply of services relating to a leased circuit where the leased circuit is installed in more...
Rule 7.The supply of services attributable to different States or Union territories, under sub-section (7) of section 13 of the said Act, in the case of services supplied in respect of goods which are required to be made physically available by th...
Rule 8. The proportion of value attributable to different States or Union territories, under sub-section (7) of section 13 of the said Act, in the case of supply of services directly in relation to an immovable property, including services supplie...
Rule 9. The proportion of value attributable to different States or Union territories, under sub-section (7) of section 13 of the said Act, in the case of supply of services by way of admission to, or organisation of a cultural, artistic, sporting...
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